Saturday, 17 March 2012

Juni's Monkey Cake

I took the baby that I hijacked back on Friday after having him for three weeks as I needed to get my butt engaged into making a cake for Juni's birthday.
Saturday: Nika and I baked the cake and iced it and then I started to have a titu with the monkeys and some bananas. By Saturday evening, I had what was starting to resemble a monkey cake complete with tree trunk.
Sunday: OK, OK. I know his birthday is today, but I also know that we won't be cutting cake until after dinner so I've technically still got a day to work on his cake... So I got up at 5.45am and I've been fluffing around for half an hour trying to decide how I'm going to finish off this cake. Gonna have breakfast (Coffee and smoke) and procrastinate a bit longer before I complete this cake. Just can't seem to get the foliage for the tree right. I really want green spun sugar but it seems the food colouring gel is playing havoc with the sugar syrup so gotta find my liquid colouring and give that a go.... This will be attempt number 3 and also the third time I have to wash this damned pot...
Oh yeah, not to forget that Juni asked for pancakes for brekkie so I better get a shake on...

Cake completed

It took me a further 2 more attempts to finally get the sugar syrup sussed and I'm quite pleased with the final result. As a side note, I managed to convince Juni to have hot cross buns for brekkie as I got up at 5.30 and was busy making sugar syrup to make pancakes...
Anyway, after 2 days and nights, here's the completed cake...


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The people who make me - me

My photo
My 4 guinea pigs... Daniel My husband. He is not the best critic because he will eat everything I serve him on a plate and say it tastes 'nice'. Nate My 17 year old son who will eat anything put in front of him. Juni My 8 year old son who is fast becoming like his big brother in regards to the amount he eats. Nika My 6 year old princess. She eats more like a little sparrow and rarely over indulges in food. She is my favourite critic as she will tell me what tastes good and what tastes great. My family Pop My dad. Although he has minimal involvement in my life, I believe he has played a major roll in the person I have become. Mum My ear, shoulder and confidant. A woman worth her weight in gold. She is always there to have a good chin wag with and has inspired a few of my creations. Then there's me - Kiri. I have always enjoyed baking. I learnt early on that the quickest way to my heart was through food which is probably why I LOVE to cook for people.
